… this blog! It started exactly one year ago, with an introduction to me and to what I’d like to accomplish here. To take a short trip down memory lane:
I think of myself more as a food-obsessive: someone who Googles recipes all the time, watches Food Network like it’s her job and eats constantly. Here you’ll find:
1) Stories of my disasters (and occasional triumphs) in the kitchen
2) “Reviews†(I use the term loosely) of restaurants and meals from around NYC
3) Interesting recipes I come across, or sometimes make up
4) Random food-related thoughts — there is nothing I can’t ultimately connect back to food
5) And because when I’m not thinking about food, I’m thinking about my schoolwork at Columbia’s journalism school, that’ll probably come up every now and then too …
I think I’ve stayed relatively true to that goal. There have been plenty of disasters, some food musings, Â a few great recipes, Â the occasional restaurant review and one fabulous birthday cake triumph. I’m very excited for what Year Two will bring, so I hope you’re there with me to check it out!
Congrats love!