I keep wanting these 7-day detox posts to be a bit longer, but at the end of the day I’m just so ready for bed. But today was a much better day than yesterday. I almost convinced myself that I’m too tired from detoxing for a high-intensity workout like spin, but I dragged my butt to class and felt so great afterwards!
As a reward after my sweat session, I bought a Royal Red juice from Organic Avenue, a juice bar (store? cafe? what do you call these places?) with multiple locations in NYC. Made with carrots, pears, beets, ginger, pineapple, lemon and orange, it was sweet but tangy, with a pretty strong kick from that ginger. It definitely perked me up, and today was the first day I went without any kind of tea.
I was also much less hungry today — usually I have two snacks after lunch (this is why I need to detox in the first place … ) but snack #1, of cucumbers and grape tomatoes, left me satiated for four hours. Dinner was really bad grilled salmon and mango slaw from Whole Foods, and I had to eat a bunch of blueberries just to get the taste out of my mouth.*
Tomorrow is my toughest challenge yet: going to a very intense Bosu Bootcamp at 6:45 a.m. (hence why this post is so short — I need rest!) and then a post-work happy hour. My plan is to stick to seltzer, but this will be the first time going out drinking this week, so I’m curious to see how that will go. Wish me luck!
*One huge change from pre-detox: last week, I would most certainly eat chocolate after dinner rather than blueberries. But these berries were super sweet and perfect, so maybe fruit for dessert will become a more frequent occurrence post-detox.
Also in the 7-Day Detox:
7-Day Detox: Kickoff
7-Day Detox: Day 1 + Quinoa with Green Beans and Shallots
7-Day Detox: Day 2
7-Day Detox: Day 4 + Alice Waters’ Ratatouille
7-Day Detox: Day 5
7-Day Detox: Day 6
7-Day Detox: Day 7
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